F Word of the Year is Focus | tamdoll's workspace

Word of the Year is Focus

January 24, 2014
Apparently, there's been this "word of the year" trend and I just started noticing it last year. I started thinking about it more in December and realized that I lacked focus. What the heck am I doing online? It used to be so clear to me - make dolls then sell dolls; create patterns then sell patterns. Haven't done that in a while.

Tamdoll's Word of the Year 2014 Focus

Last year I wanted to branch out and learn some new skills, work with new media, so I signed up for some online classes and really enjoyed the process. I get to work on things at my own pace, at home, re-watching videos as often as I need to. This year, I signed up for a new one that began January 1st - Life Book. So far, so good.

Life Book 2014

Another one, a club really, The Artstronauts Club, is simply fabulous, full of inspiration and fun.

<cool site badge for Artstronauts goes here when I get one>

"Focus" doesn't mean I'll narrow down the million things I'm working on, it just means that when I'm working on one I won't get distracted. That I'll focus on the task at hand, maybe even finish a few things. I'm learning that if I do get distracted, it's because I've lost focus of my goals.

Tamdoll's Word of the Year 2014 Focus

As for this site, my goal is to share creativity and inspire it. I probably won't be sharing most things I knit or crochet here - those get posted to my ravelry account where I keep track of projects. I'll keep this site for the original pieces I come up with, new tutorials I may write.

I've always thought of the projects that I share as jumping points for creativity... even before I'm done with something, I've often thought of half-a-dozen ways it can be re-worked to be more fabulous. I love sharing the excitement of new ideas - I hope they become contagious and get people creating. Oh, now there's an image - a contagion, like a zombie plague, but where crafters start making things with a single-minded, frenzied passion.  Now there's some fodder for a journal page... will definitely post about that when it's created!

Want to share? Do you have a word of the year?


  1. Hey there - great word. I picked my word the last few years. This year I heard of a new group doing an UN word. So my unword - is similar to yours. I chose to be UN distracted. I want to stay on task and get more COMPLETED. Like you I find myself starting tons of new stuff but the ratio to completed projects is not equal so hopefully this will help.

    I started making a MONTHLY goal list. What I want to complete that month! So far this month - I have stayed on task///

    Hope your new Year is starting off wonderfully. Keep up the great shares...love to see your projects.

    Have a great week

  2. Hey Tina! I like the idea "UN distracted". Great minds think alike!


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