F Baking Bread, The Movie | tamdoll's workspace

Baking Bread, The Movie

April 18, 2011

Title sounds dramatic maybe?  It’s just a montage of photos and a short video of me from last week, kneading some bread.  And since Passover starts this evening, it’ll be at least 8 days before I’m doing this again, so I hope you enjoy the little film:


  1. I am trying to think of something better than homemade bread and I simply cannot! Cool video recipe, how long have you been baking your own bread?

  2. You look like a pro giving it to the dough! Thanks for the video.

  3. You made that look awfully easy! I made focaccia several times last summer and I had no idea that making bread was so similar! Boy, goes to show how far removed we've become from what we eat. I'm going to give this a try! Thanks!

  4. That was terrific! "Nice!" "Yum." I like the typewriter font that you used. And you really did make that look easy. Any chance of more Tamdoll Original Movies??

  5. Dearest sweet tammy, i love handmade bread and that video clip is awesome!! You are so talented sweet sweet friend! I hope you had a wonderful easter weekend! Have a lovely merry happy week ahead. Love to you!

  6. Thank you friends!

    I've been baking friend steadily since I moved to NH (about 15 years). Before that, I was surrounded by it in my grandparent's bakery. I'm glad I can do this for my kids and hope they grow up to do the same.

    Baking bread, or pizza dough, or sweet doughs are all the same to me - just different variations in fat or sugars that are added. It's fun and I think everyone should give it a try.

    No more videos in store for the near future... but who knows??? My kids actually make TONS of videos each week, silly things and for school projects even - there's always something being filmed at my house. I was only brave enough for a short clip and to string the photos together so I had a lot of control over what I was doing.

    Thanks everyone for stopping by!!

  7. Very nice!!
    I love the smell of homemade bread! Yum I can smell it now!


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