F Artful Thursday – Adventures in Baking Bread | tamdoll's workspace

Artful Thursday – Adventures in Baking Bread

September 23, 2010

Update! 9/24/10:Tamdoll's Bread Experiment

The bread came out flat as a biscotti, but airy, light and really tasty!Tamdoll's Bread Experiment

Instead of cutting the bread in slices, all I had to do for lunches was cut a chunk of bread and slice it horizontal – perfect!

Thursday 9/23 post:  Today’s post is going to be updated tomorrow.  Because I’m baking bread.  This one is going to take a while since I finally (at 7:30 pm) read my recipe &  the next step will take another 2 hours to rise. Wasn’t planning on late-night baking, so I’m not real thrilled about this.

What’s so special about this bread recipe?  It’s an experiment.  Lots of my cooking is.  Thank goodness my family has endless patience and a good sense of humor.  Last week I tried to put frozen ravioli in a Panini press.  (I don’t suggest it.) 

Yesterday I made oatmeal for breakfast, added craisins, a dash of cinnamon… and there were leftovers.  So, I threw a pinch of yeast in the pot and then put it in the fridge (with a big: “Do Not Eat” note – just in case someone got hungry).  Took it out this afternoon and estimated that there was about a cup & a half of slightly bubbly oats in the pot and followed the recipe for King Arthur Flour’s Rustic Country Bread recipe.  Well, mostly.  It didn’t call for oats in the starter, or in the extra flour that’s added, but I threw some in anyway.  bubbly oats

Picture looks kind of yucky.  But there it is.  The beginnings of some [hopefully] yummy bread.  The recipe isn’t on their website, it was from a pamphlet I got at one of their classes once – they have a rustic bread recipe that’s similar there.

Right now they’re slightly sticky, in oblong baguette shapes, rising on my kitchen counter for the next few hours.  I’m hoping these come out good so I have something tasty to take to work tomorrow.  I’ll update with a picture here when I can.

Have a happy Thursday!  Stop by and visit all the other crafty folks participating in the Artful Thursday project, too:Artful Thursdays

1 comment:

  1. I love baking bread- it's the most fulfilling artful project and the family LOVES it!

    It will be wonderful :-)


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