F Short Term Goals | tamdoll's workspace

Short Term Goals

June 18, 2010

To be hosted by RainyDayArt Monday 6/20/10.  I chose to answer one of the EtsyBloggers questions this week - 

“What are you goals? Short term, long term?”

Well, this should be easy.  Short term!  I’m going to be in my car quite a bit this weekend, so I’ve packed yarn.  Lots of yarn.  Knitting needles.  And patterns for fingerless mittens.  (Although at this point I can knit them in my sleep.)  I figure if I can knit one per hour I should be able to make a few to sell next fall as well as use up my stash in time to restock at the yarn show that’s coming to town in a few weeks.  I was going to say “clean my workspace” – but seriously?  I won’t be able to resist!

Goal – knit as much as possible while on the road and blog about it when I return with pictures.  By the time this Carnival goes live – I should have pictures to go along with this!

Update - 6/21/10 – I did knit as much as possible… it just wasn’t as much as I would have liked.  Only one pair partially completed – I need to weave in ends and do some serious blocking.  I’m going to add some embroidery on this pair to look like vines and branches with the different colors crossing into each other:

Tamdoll's Fingerless Pair I


  1. Ohh. I haven't really done any embroidery on knits. I'm looking forward to seeing them in their finished state.

  2. It's been so long since I've picked up my needles ...


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