F A Monday Mash Up | tamdoll's workspace

A Monday Mash Up

April 5, 2010
I cannot tell you where all the time has gone, but it’s gone.  Gone!  Here are just a couple of things I’ve been working on - I feel like lots have been slipping by the wayside and I haven’t been focusing on things that I need to be doing.  Maybe tomorrow I can jump back into productivity …
Tamdoll's Workspace
Freeform Crochet-Along, done!  But now what to do with it???? I was thinking a pillow since the textures feel so great, but I don’t know if I want to spend the time to do this – would have to add a backing and tack it all down – maybe if I find a pillow around here that I don’t like anymore I can use it as a base.  For now I will keep it in my scrap basket – maybe I’ll just add on more stitches when I want to experiment.
Tamdoll's Workspace
Doing a gauge swatch is important.  Very important.
Gauge is important
I’ve cast on and started this sweater three times now.  First time, with no gauge, the back was 4’ wide.  Yes, 4 feet.  That’s 1.2 meters.  I’m not the slimmest person, but that was ridiculous.  Didn’t even look until an entire day had passed, knitting all the while, finished a ball of yarn and realized I had only made it up about 4”.  So frustrating – will I ever learn from my mistakes?  Did a gauge swatch, switched from size 7 to size 5 needle and went from size XL to knitting a size S.  Still too large (not by much, sadly), so going to rip it out and do it over, in the round this time, finagling the pattern a bit to make it work.  Thanks to the brains of a friend who stopped by and saved me mid-day from giving up all together.
Tamdoll's Workspace
Refashion project to do with my girls:
      A thrifted, stained, out-dated dress to be merged with a tank top…
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By the wayside are: some embroidered cuffs, half-embroidered; a few little quilted things I’ve been planning; and crochet/beaded rings that I’ve been wanting to make.  I have to buckle down and get working, what kind of unproductive spring fever is this? 


  1. I've always admired folks who could knit. Someday I hope to get someone to teach me. I tried to do it using books and I ended up using my toes to hold on to the yarn (because both my hands were busy with the long needles!)

  2. The only wearables I have done are hats. I have done decorative socks, but none that needed to fit a person. I am afraid of gauge swatching, and of making wearable garments. I am dipping my toe in right now by making an infant wrap top (kimono style). I think it is going to have to be for a preemie. I did not do a swatch. Good luck with you sweater.

  3. I've been spending my mornings in a spring fever funk. Can't get motivated! I like that at least you have a list of things you want to accomplish. Don't give up on the sweater!

  4. Time really does pass by so fast! So many wonderful projects you have at hand...looking forward to each of them. Hope you are having a lovely happy productive week! Love to you!


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